
linocut + gold acrylic

Pics are just from my phone + some quick photoshop… What this arabic letter ‘N’ has come to mean and signify recently has put it on my mind in terms of wanting to think about it conceptually and experimenting with it a bit. So here is my first and rather obvious step in ‘doing something with it’. Time and motivation permitting I will take this a bit further …

Some months ago I found this picture of Jean Paul Gaultier in Metro and really felt like doing things to it, just felt it had potential haha… I’ve grabbed a dozen, took them home and did some random stuff… I am increasingly frustrated with the pointlessness of a lot of things I do but there, this was a while back and… I do kind of like my JPGs!

Part 2: collage / cutouts. The two I like most are number 1 and 3 of the hanging ones. They’re quite big but I’d like to frame them one day.

Last Thursday (yeah, that really cold day) Oswin took our class for an alfresco drawing session. We were supposed to work on quick sketches and do exercises such as drawing with the wrong hand, in continuous line etc… It was alrite however, as usual in such places I felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount of options and found it hard to choose and stick with one subject. I went from place to place feeling a little restless but I was expecting it to happen and have made a decision in advance to just carry on, in spite of the frustration. In the end I made a lot of really crap drawings but here are a couple I like:

I guess Malevich got under my skin a bit that Friday with his lovely abstractions but also with the ‘it’s ok to be in search of’ attitude shining through and from his work. That man with a head all over the place. I’ve gained a friend! The Financial Times pink will appear again soon

We have 2 new plants! Meet Ficus Elastica and the smaller, Calathea. We brought them home last Saturday. I am going to try VERY hard not to hurt them which, with my record of killing even some really tough cactuses, might be a challenge! So far so good…



my orphan iphone pics. 3 of thousands!

Edit:  Sticking things together, making extensions and connections, finding common points, seeing shapes and spaces, abstracting… seems to be something i do automatically and with no thinking


A good friend taught me cyanotype printing this summer. I’ve done it before but never really from scratch. We had a great day of mixing the chemicals, coating different surfaces, collecting plants and printing in her garden. The day later on transformed into a full blown BBQ night with roasted apples, nectarines and other wonders. One of the best days this summer. (Lovely people, when are we going to see you again?)

2 albums i listened to a couple of months ago, then had a break, then heard a couple songs on the radio randomly and am totally and utterly hooked now. the voice, the lyrics…

I’m finally making some use of my lino printing gear! It’s hard work and will take some serious practice but it’s made me sooo happy this afternoon. I’m hoping that I will find more time to do it in near future.






I love this photograph of G. O’Keeffe’s hands by her husband A. Steiglitz. I’ve “used” them before and today, after I randomly pinned this bit of heather into my old sketchbook, one of these cut out hands fell out from it onto the table… So I just couldn’t resist 🙂





This is where to gold comes in. Kintsukuroi and yobitsugi are both Japanese art of repairing things (ceramics) with gold. The idea is that an object, once beautiful can be made even more beautiful despite its brokenness with the help of a skilful artist and precious materials (gold or silver). This gives me a lot of ideas.

Imperfection. We can respond in trying to cover it up with our own hopeless efforts or fool ourselves into believing that it is something to be celebrated. Either way, we loose. Unless there is another answer to it?

Just sketching up some ideas… As usual.