


I love this photograph of G. O’Keeffe’s hands by her husband A. Steiglitz. I’ve “used” them before and today, after I randomly pinned this bit of heather into my old sketchbook, one of these cut out hands fell out from it onto the table… So I just couldn’t resist 🙂

Somebody tell me that there isn’t a sort of a theme going on here!

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Randomly found on the web over the course of about a month… Aren’t they all great?!

1. – online bible study community for women
2. – the cover of printed pages spring 2013
3. – a graphic design resource website


My mind is buzzing with ideas and inspirations recently. It feels like I’m finally shaking off the university brain-numbness. I’m sad to say this but it uni did give me brain-numbness.
I’m currently in love with old magazines and their use of black and white images and blocks of colour. I’m in love with print (lino, screenprint, lithography) and typography (how could I go through 2 years of college and 3 years of uni without recognising the beauty and potential of typography, HOW?!).

I would like to give this blog a new life, a real blog-life, but I am not a blogger. It’s always been more of a personal journal and perhaps it will just stay this way.

About salmons and faith… Well I thinks it’s pretty self explanatory.

Some time ago, in November I visisted the Design Museum to see John Pawson’s Plain Space. It just happened that another show was on at the same time, and that you could see both paying for just one (in other words: buy 1 get 1 free for gallery shows).
The other show was Drawing Fashion. I’ve just checked and it’s actually still on (until the 6th of March), so if you’re planning a gallery day and still haven’t seen it… Go and see it!
My favourite artist of that exhibition was Mats Gustafson. I think I must have come across his work earlier, because it felt somehow familiar, but I couldn’t really remember (and still can’t) where or when I’ve seen it. I’ve always liked watercolour. In fact, Gustafson’s paintings, reminded me very much of paintings by another artists, whose name I can’t remember. I know she was a female and that I’ve seen her work in Tate Modern- large portraits of women. I’ve looked and searched but I don’t have much time this morning, so my research will have to wait for a better moment. Anyway, similarity to the paintings by the mysterious female artist could be an explanation for the ‘I’ve seen it before’ feeling I experienced while looking at Gustafson’s work. But look, I’m rambling and it’s not even what I want to share.
The moment I’ve seen Gustafson’s work I was fascinated by it. It was so minimalistic, yet so evocative. I thought to myself ‘wouldn’t it wonderful to take photographs that would have similar qualities?’. Indeed, I thought it would be great to have a go at making photographic versions of his paintings. Oh the glorious feeling of being inspired!
But what do I stumble upon having done some research into relationships between fashion drawing and photography? Yes, it has already been done and not just by someone but by Paolo Roeversi himself! It hasn’t quite put me of from having a go myself, but what has been done by Roeversi, is -to no surprise- of the highest standard and beauty, so here you are, look and admire:

See more examples by clicking the link below!

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Ok, short introduction first. 3 weeks 2D project. Theme: identity; inspirations, likes, dislikes, fascinations.
When is a book, not a book? Answer the question for yourself.

Conents (shorten/4wordperss)
1.White fineliner illustration “total eclipse of the sun/teots” inspired by Einsturzende Neubauten
2.Total eclipse of the sun, lyrics
3.States of mind 05-08. Collection of self portraits
4.States of mind 05-08. Look inside
5.Fine liner on tracing paper, water coulours, cutout.
6.Collage/tea stains,old plaing card, tea bag. Songs lyrics written onto the tea bag (Garden/EN) + ^
7.Master and Margarita illustration. Woland + Hella
8.Master and Margarita illustration. Woland + Hella- open
9.2 leaves behind the tracing paper. Illustration for Eccl4:9-12 (Kzn4:9-12)
10.Tea stains + annotations (after: Charles Jones/ apples page from album)

The whole book consists of 21 pages. (14×14 cm). Hard bound A3 cover (converted into square= 35X35cm)

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Curtis is an author and illustrator with 7 published titles on drawing, painting and graphic design. He has worked for many book and news publishers including Watson Guptill NY, Cassell UK, The Mail Group and Evening Standard. (SOURCE:
Curtis is also one of my tutors at college, word magician and the best lecturer I have come across with so far. God bless you real good Curt!